October 28, 2008

Media Jobs Board - US employers & job-seekers

Hi people

As you know I virtually never blast out a bulletin or deluge you with 'buy, try, go there now' messages

... this is a quick genuine share for US media employers and job seekers in this volatile sinking market - whether you're still hiring, or out there job-hunting.

My client Media Jobs Network is a specialist niche jobs board for media pro's - public relations, online marketing, marketing and direct marketing, advertising, media and journalism.

A ton of you on my friends list are in this biz, so may want to check out mediajobs. net and either check out the low rates/high value for the employers over the big jobs sites, or list yourself as a candidate.

Quick facts 'n figures:

All-round value: 6.74 million quality US media candidates and over 2 million active resumes save employers fees, time and searching.

For job-hunters: US network of 15,000 employment sites powered by the big respected Beyond. com network - get yourself seen and found by 3 million unique visitors and 20 million page views monthly.

Drop into mediajobs. net and see what we can do for you, you;'ll find us too under Media Jobs Network profile on LinkedIn. com if you want fresh updates. We’re part of the Beyond group so have deep reach...

Hope we can help you !


October 14, 2008

Reserve your username all over the web - big timesaver

Apart from the time factor as those nice Mashable people point out with a groan - there goes the afternoon! this site will surely save you time over the longer haul.

With time in such short supply for most of us, any site or service that brings more 'shortcuts' is a fit for me!

Read the Mashable story -http://mashable.com/2008/10/11/usernamecheck/

and to visit direct - http://usernamecheck.com/

October 5, 2008

New social community - Business Exchange

Business Week has just launched a new social community, Business Exchange. The new network will create communities around subject and news areas of interest, tapping into its online partnership announced with LinkedIn.com and others.

A Business Week spokesman blogged that the company see Business Exchange as a distant cousin to Wikipedia, and a closer relative to Digg and LinkedIn. Both North American and international business types online will be keeping an eye on its growth and reach in months ahead to see what kind of traction yet another business community gains against its more established competitors.

Follow the tab in the top menu bar at businessweek.com and explore if the fit is there for you and your company.