April 17, 2008

New ad-supported blog community site - another alternative

Out of Beta phase and out on the market today and picking up some buzz is AdRoll, aiming to fill the gap between AdSense and specialist competitors such as BlogAds.com, FederatedMedia.net, AdBrite.com and Pubmatic.com.

Remuneration for the millions of bloggers online continues to evolve and AdRoll adds to the online offerings, with individual bloggers signing up to AdRoll able to state their prices in an auction-type system, grouping themselves within the site's communities with aligned blogs on the same or complementary topics to present advertisers with a niche audience in Adroll communities clustering together similar blogs and subject areas.

Advertisers place a bid for that niche inventory and if the AdRoll rate betters the current AdSense rate, AdRoll ads appear in the banner space where Adsense or competitor networks run. With a reasonable 20% commission for the house system, that still leaves a respectable amount for the bloggers.

Small blogs and individuals will be able to work together in creating shared communities and commanding a better ad rate than their page views would allow individually. Guaranteed it won't yet make you rich, but with new options coming onto the market regularly such as AdRoll, blogging may just pay decently yet for more than the handful of top bloggers or early adopters worldwide.

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