November 21, 2009

The stratospheric growth couldn't last forever

It had to happen, wild swings and reversals and an end to the stratospheric growth of the last few months.

Data on Twitter Decline Stacks Up -

There's always a honeymoon phase online, MySpace and then Bebo, now Facebook and Twitter.. what is hot and what is not this month or year. Twitter is still in its infancy as both a platform and an influencer of what will follow.

Once the dust settles and the data is re-tallied from desktop apps, mobile apps and all the other stats for Twitter, we might get a realistic snapshot of how both individuals and businesses are using micro-blogging, status updates, content aggregators, lists, groups and much more besides.

None of these systems work in isolation anymore, which make both the pitfalls and the overall promise even more transparent.

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