March 14, 2008

Are You Irresistibly Attractive?

“A man never discloses his own character so clearly as when he describes another’s.” Jean Paul Richter

My coaching often integrates some of the ’28 Principles of Irresistible Attraction’ developed by coaching guru and creative thinker Thomas Leonard.

Thomas’s Attraction approach steers us away from ‘seducing’ our way through the daily maze - chasing doggedly after things, reluctant people, endless dead ends, or objectives that are frustratingly elusive the more you crank up the treadmill.

He advocates instead making yourself so ‘irresistibly attractive’ that the things you want come to you more effortlessly and you attract what you need and value (again needs come into play).

A chiropractic analogy explains Attraction in action. A chiropractor doesn’t prescribe medications to heal, but helps your system to heal you by realigning bones that may be impeding the electrical flow of your nervous system.

This is a good analogy, because part of the Attraction process is to increase the flow of your current system (heart, mind, spirit, body), rather than using medications to chemically restore or repair.

Attraction is a simple but sophisticated living approach – don’t forget that your approach to life is a choice, which many people forget to consciously make.

‘Character is not made in a crisis – it is only exhibited’. Robert Freeman

I’m musing over Thomas's Principle #20 – ‘Develop More Character Than You Need’. Are you someone with character? A big person? A forthright person who doesn’t have a need to constantly tell lies? (We’ll allow white lies where they smooth the social fabric along without harming anyone).

Thomas believes that people have put results, expediency and efficiency ahead of principles and character, but that although character has languished over the past 20 years or so, it’s coming into its time again.

I agree and also think it’s never been needed more out there, both personally and professionally. I don't care a bit if that makes me look like I have old-fashioned values either...

Character for me is strength, not wielding power. As the world shifts from power to strength as the primary paradigm, character matters more, even more so right now as a troubled planet stands uneasily on the sidelines of an anti-terrorism war - and worries over how that impacts us individually and collectively.

Character’s about honesty, integrity, honour…and about fearlessly living out your own convictions, about compassion and humility, about other people being able to put trust in you; and standing for what’s important to you. If you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything? Discuss...

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