March 14, 2008

Don't like Chiropractic? Try Bowen Therapy

This ‘shortcut to health’ is one that I’ve personally tested over some months, after hearing about Bowen Therapy over recent years. At the risk of sounding cliched, its results on my long-term back and shoulder problems have been almost instant and I’m committed to going on with treatment.

I believe it may work just as strongly for many readers, as conditions that respond well to Bowen Therapy include back pain (in particular), sports and accident injuries, frozen shoulder, stress disorders, whiplash, muscular-skeletal pain and imbalance, organic complaints – respiratory – digestive – menstrual – hormonal, acute and chronic fatigue; and strokes.

Bowen facilitates the balancing of a broad range of problems (with medical supervision where appropriate) as the treatment is holistic. Bowen produces an integrated body response, and consequently improves circulation, lymphatic and venous draining, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins, joint mobility, posture, clearance of dysfunctional debris, normalisation of cellular physiology and tissue integrity.

Putting it in context, even as someone fit and healthy, I’ve lived with back pain for some 20 years, trialing everything from massage therapy to osteopaths, acupuncture, float tanks, gym and specific back exercises, physiotherapy etc - even consulting a surgeon regarding a shoulder operation.

I haven’t been able to sleep on my right side for well over 15 years. (An ironic anecdote – one unorthodox treatment that surprisingly helped afterward awhile was breaking my collarbone in a high-speed fall in a road cycling race. Strangely enough, I don’t recommend this methodology to others unless you’re fond of losing a lot of skin and hospital casualty wards!)

Bowen technique is being practised and taught in the UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Europe and Australia, where it was developed by Tom Bowen.

Bowen is a dynamic, remedial body technique, extremely gentle and very relaxing. It empowers the body’s own healing resources achieving balance and harmony, resulting in fast and lasting relief from pain and discomfort. Bowen is an all embracing vibrational energy therapy, safe to use on anyone, newborns to the elderly.

A treatment comprises sequences of small gentle moves, each at a specific site on the body. There is not forceful manipulation, just a light cross-fibre manoeuvring of a muscle, tendon or ligament, pleasant to the recipient.

The precise location of the Bowen moves correlate markedly with the latest research into the meridian energy system, acu-points and myofascial trigger point therapy.

Observation also suggests the lymphatic system is greatly affected by this technique.

This gentle and effective modality brings substantial relief frequently after the first session, and generally clients only need two or three treatments, usually one week apart. Treatments can be done through clothing when preferred, as no oils are used. Treatment sessions can last from 10 to 50 minutes.

Tom Bowen made healing his life’s work in Australia. Without undertaking formal medical training, he practised massage locally from the 1950s, evolving his gentle and instinctive technique until his practice grew so large, he was obliged to dramatically expand it.

A mid-1970s Australian Government survey into alternative healing in the documents him as treating approximately 13.000 patients annually. Bowen’s technique was a simple energy correction procedure to instigate a change in the body’s balance, bringing the body’s innate healing abilities back into action. Tom Bowen taught his technique to about six people before his death in 1982.

For more background on Bowen technique, from Australia, visit The Bowen Therapists Foundation of Australia at: USA residents can find out more on Bowen Therapies at:, while UK and Europe residents can visit: or

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