March 14, 2008

Writing your way to the top

Well it's an online competition so it vaguely has a home in this blog...sorry this one is just for fun inbetween passing on shortcuts & tips!

There's an annual competition for the worst imaginary opening sentence for a novel you haven't yet written. The children's book prize this year was awarded to a writer that, although the contest claims to have no standards, the judges said 'had almost certainly lowered them'.

The head judge, one of a panel of 'undistinguished judges' said he liked the phrase 'The Princess formerly known as Snow White'. It suggests she's not so snow white any more and gives you the idea the dwarves might have had something to do with that.'

The winning intro from Shelby Leung -

"The woods were all a-twitter with rumours that the Seven Dwarves were planning a live re-union after their attempted solo careers had dismally spluttered into Z-list oblivion and it was all just a matter of meeting a 10-page list of outlandish demands...including a separate trailer for the Magic Talking Mirror to get the Princess formerly known as Snow White on board."

The former lawyer who wrote it said she thought a lot of the entries were of such a high standard of badness she wouldn't win; but "I used to be a lawyer and the law is the natural home of bad writing."

Here's the site with all the winners, I'm off to work on my entry for next year now.

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